
Thursday, September 08, 2005

Hello, writers. The week is almost over and I still feel like there was a lot more I could have accomplished. Working on revisions on my short stories, doing research on the web, and checking email has took up most of my time. I've also submitted a few short stories online to magazines. You'll find out that most publishers are looking for a distinct, unique type of fiction. If your style of writing doesn't fit the scope of their publication there is no need to submit any material. Finding a medium and high paying market that accepts the same genre fiction you write is a challenge too. This is just one part of being a writer.

I've added a few links to another writing site and one of my other blogs. There will be more writing links added later, but click on the ads also to find writing resources and information about publishers. I don't have any valuable wisdom to share today except to be dilgent and persistent as a writer. If you feel like quitting on a project remind yourself of the benefits and all the hard work that will go to waste. Do the necessary research by reading books or articles on writing, refer to grammar manuals(ex. Chicago Style, MLA), and stick to a weekly writing schedule. More exposure and practice helps writers learn how to correct mistakes as well as become more discliplined.


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