Weloome to my writing blog. After consideration I've finally decided to start a page dedicated to writing. Whether it's freelance writing, short story, script writing, poems, jokes, or any other area involving fiction it will be discussed here. This is the first day of operation so I'd like to start a writers forum here. I'm working on several literally projects right now and will try to post samples later. Writers: make yourselves at home, explore your creativity, and express your voice as an artist, and don't hesitate to post questions or comments. This is a place to also let out frustrations and problems experienced as a writer. No one ever said writing is always easy. It's more than difficult making a living as one too.
Characterization is the topic for this post. What would a story be without memorable, intriguing characters? Most likely flat and boring. Working to develop main and minor characters take time. Avoiding played out, typical characters with the exact same qualities is a good idea. Creating fresh, new protagonists, antagonists, and supporting characters is one goal as a writer. Finding these creations can be done by people you've known, seen, or come into contact with in everyday life. (Ex. family member, co-worker, coach, business owner, criminal, etc.) They'll give you a basic idea for personal traits, appearance, behavior, and actions of characters. What happens to them in a story is up to a writer's imagination. There is so many possibilites for plots and scenes for which they can be envisioned into. Description always helps to identify a character, giving readers a visual image they won't forget(Ex. The tall, fiery-eyed bodyguard in a black collared shirt stood silent with his muscular arms folded). Using too much description too often hurts a story though. Readers lose track of what's going on during the course of scenes. That's the take for this edition. *Remember to keep writing and don't quit on your dreams.
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