
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Today wasn't a good day to get my creative juices flowing. I planned on working on some short story revisions, but had to tend to other obligations. In the meantime while working on the short stories and a baseball novel I've devoted more of my time to writing two active sports blogs. ( and It doesn't seem like there is enough time some days to get a set number of pages completed or second and third drafts. That's one of the challenges of being a writer. Time managment goes along with this aspect. Sticking to a routine is good, but if other things come up you have to accept it. There is always tommorrow. Procastinating for months is a problem for some writers. I don't have that trouble due to commitment.

A lot of writers worry about how to protect their work. Well, there are several options here. Only allowing those you trust to read your work or getting them to sign their name on a agreement form to not share your literary work for someone's else gain(profit)is one route. If concerned about theft when submitting to magazines, small presses, or agents it's best to get your material copywrited. This can be done through the U.S. Copyright office or by visiting their website, and filing out a registration form for the selected type of writing. The cost is around $30 and lasts for the lifetime of the author. After completing a manuscript you can put your name, the word "copyright" or the c symbol, and the year at the bottom of the page. It serves as a notice for readers. That's the installment for today. Check back and continue writing.

Peter Harvey, Copyright 2005


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